On June 2 (Hemelvaartdag) we go with seven people (you are right, one is missing on the picture) of TU Delft (BHV members and Gerard Meijer) to the Golden Ten Loop in Delft to run 10 kilometers for “De hersenstichting”, a charity foundation stimulating brain research and educating the public about it.
As three of us had problems with our brain (one had a stroke, one had another brain problem and I had a complete brain check-up for my undefined kind of hyperventilation) it was a brainwave to run for this good cause.
“De hersenstichting” takes care of a lot of research in all kind of brain damages, so therefore we ask you to be a sponsor of our running event. You can give cash money to Marion or send it to bank account 3532534 t.n.v. N.J.M. van Zon and mention "Golden Ten Loop – hersenstichting". In both cases you will sponsor the whole group.
The orange shirts are from the hersenstichting and the health coach of the TU Delft sponsored the printing of the shirts with a TU Delft logo. Please be so kind to donate a small amount for this running event and maybe you can also be a supporter on June 2 at the start and finish place on the Burgwal in Delft. It will be a nice afternoon with a lot of people and a lot of music.