In order to improve my Analog CMOS IC
design skills I decided I would like to follow a course on Analog
CMOS IC design. To do this, however, mostly you need to bring a big
bag of money with you to register for such a course. This is a
problem for me as poor PhD student.
To solve this problem, a few weeks ago
I applied for a scholarship from the EURO-DOTS institute. This
institute gives a limited amount of scholarships to european PhD
students giving them the ability to follow high quality courses which
fulfill the accreditation criteria.
Today I got an email from them in which
they told me that my request is accepted! This means that in August I
will follow a one week course on Advanced Analog CMOS IC Design in
Lausanne, Switzerland organized by MEAD education. The instructors of
this course are: Eric Vittoz, Lanny Lewyn, Willy Sansen, Rinaldo
Castello, Herman Casier and Gabor Temes.
Im looking forward to go there 😀
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