BELEM is an Erasmus intensive training program labeled by the EU for 2012. BELEM addresses the field of BioMedical Engineering (BME), with a specialization in BioElectronics.
BELEM supports multi-disciplinary research and helps young engineering researchers, in the early phase of their research project, bridge the gap with life sciences. BELEM intends to bring them the necessary background and methods to conduct efficiently multi-disciplinary research through a deep and broad integration of engineering and biology.
BELEM recruits PhD or future PhD students holding a Masters degree in Bioengineering or Electronics Engineering.
Candidates are expected to hold already more than 18 ECTS credits on electronics design, micro-technologies, sensors, and signal processing. Up to 24 students are recruited in 12 European institutions. During the selection process, all students complete a consortium application form and write a motivation letter: the students are selected taking into account the academic record to date, the motivation letter and a reference letter from their PhD supervisor. ICT tools (including e-learning) are used in the preparation and delivery of the programme.
Belem Intensive Erasmus Program – 2012 – March 26th – April 6th
All lecturers are researchers with a long experience in multi-disciplinary collaborative projects at the international level, aware of the needs and constraints of multi-disciplinary of biomedical and electronics engineering research. Together with clinicians who also participate in visits and round tables, they help students acquire an understanding of biomedical and physiology domains, and the capability to use advanced electronics engineering to solve problems at the interface of engineering and biology. Practical tutorials and hands-on projects (prepared before the 2-weeks stay in Bordeaux) are organized in small groups. The IP includes lectures and discussions with researchers in reliability, quality control, risk and safety, and representatives of high-tech biomedical companies, in order to educate students about technology transfer and health industry. In addition to a high-level education in state-of-the art research and innovation in BioElectronics, thanks to its intensive format BELEM will provide students a unique opportunity to create interactions with other junior and senior researchers and promote future collaborative activities.
For information on how to register, please click here.