Author Archives: Wouter Serdijn

ELCA Festival, 2012 Edition will be on Friday, January 13

PSSST! Mark your calendar!

The Voices of DAC—A chip in your brain?

Jan Rabaey, UC Berkeley, about brain-machine interfaces. Click here to watch the video.

This talk covers a little bit of transcutaneous signal and energy transfer, recording of brain signals, polymer electrode arrays, brain waves, EEG, ECoG, epilepsy, neurostimulation, DBS, 65nm, microwatt, pulsed waveform, temperature rise, digital amplifier, subthreshold logic, interference, frequency agile radios, security, neural dust…


Timing in the brain not only a matter of time

In the Proceedings of the Royal Society B (Biology) of August 10, 2011, interested readers can read in an article by James Heron that  "duration perception […] may be mediated via a system of duration-selective ‘channels’, which
are differentially activated depending on the match between afferent
duration information and the channels’ ‘preferred’ duration." This is an interesting postulation which may, however, be incorrect, as, to the best of my knowledge (though I am not a physician), there are no particular channel-like structures associated with our sensors (ears and eyes) that can be held responsible for our understanding of how long a particular event lasts. 

From a mathematical and engineering perspective it is also known that there exists a strong relation between time and frequency, taught to us in high school when we learn about the meaning of T = 1/f, T being the period of a (periodical) signal and f its frequency. Some people are known for having an "absolute pitch", sometimes erroneously called "absolute hearing", in the sense that they recognize exactly the pitch of a tone they hear. Most people do not have this remarkable talent, but are nevertheless still pretty good at estimating the approximate pitch of a tone they hear.

Also, it is known that events seem to last longer when they are dull or not exciting and its opposite is probably best illustrated by the expression "time flies when you’re having fun", Also, and this many of us have experienced during the ELCA music festival of last March, sometimes, when excited, a little bit tensed or under pressure, musicians have a tendency to play their songs faster, with more beats per minute, without being aware of it. Apparently, in a more stressful situation, our notion of time becomes related to a faster clock, or a shorter time duration. Finally, it is known that when people are feverish, also their notion of time changes.

The above relation between time and frequency and thus pitch and the experience of time and frequency stretch depending on our excitement, suggest, at least to me, that our notion of time is not so much related to a static entity in the form of a channel, but rather is linked to our internal oscillatory processes, as, e.g., happen in the brain between its various hierarchical layers, or in our lifesupporting master clock, the heart. It would be interesting to see whether the above states of excitement also affect the frequency of our brain waves (alpha, beta and gamma waves). If so, the issue of reliable tinnitus detection (see Senad’s previous post) may become more patient and situation-specific and thus more difficult to implement.

Stay tuned 😉


Small chip to overcome inflammation of joints

Today, the Telegraaf and report that a team of the Dutch rheumatologist Paul-Peter Tak of the Amsterdam Academic Medical Center will implant a kind of pacemaker, its size in the order of a bout a square centimeter, that will deliver stimuli to the vagus nerve for about one minute a day. By doing so, it is expected that inflammation of the joints of patients that suffer from rheumatoid arthritis can be reduced or even completely stopped.

Of course, what can be deduced from the article is that this pacemaker, electronics-wise, is nothing more than a simple blinking light with a timer, which can be implemented by means of a miniature microcontroller and a battery. However, it is also obvious that electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve, albeit at its infancy, is already very promising and a possible treatment of a wide range of neural disorders and pain is dawning at the horizon.


Be gentle to the heart, otherwise you’ll lose it

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute and Cornell University have come up with a low-energy pulse sequence to
restart hearts and make implants last longer is what we can read in IEEE Spectrum today. Other advantages of using a train (a burst) of pulses instead of using a single (tonic) pulse are that defibrillation becomes less painful to the patient and is less likely to evoke fibrillation elsewhere in the heart. The new therapy still has to be tested on patients, though. 

From this, it is only a small step towards realizing that other types of tissue should be stimulated with burst-like or even more exotic yet gentle pulses, too. In the Biomedical Electronics Group of Delft University of Technology, we’re working on interfacing with the brain in a more natural manner. Stay tuned…


In case you’ve just missed it…

Fixing the Brain-Computer Interface

Researchers are addressing the sizable population for whom
BCI doesn’t work

By Erica
Westly  /  June 2011

New website (in Dutch):

It takes some cooking to prepare a good meal

Frequent readers of this weblog may have started to wonder whether the activities of the Biomedical Electronics Group have gradually fainted and dissolved in eternity, its members have all become hobos and it all ended in a big dream. Bzinga. The truth is, of course, that everybody is very busy and under the yoke of some deadline or another.

Senad and June been working very hard on a first proof-of-principle of a Tinnitus detector circuit. Such a circuit should allow for detection of the spatial properties of tinnitus and give objective information on its severity. This could, in turn, lead to more refined or adjusted stimulation therapies. Don’t sell your mother for it, yet, but expectations are high. The findings will be worked out in a manuscript, to be submitted to the annual BioCAS Conference today.

On the detection side of things, Yongjia has been working very hard on the new type of level-crossing analog-to-digital converter, described in an earlier weblog. Also this work will be submitted to the BioCAS Conference.

Duan Zhao received the good news that our paper (together with the Holst Centre) on a reconfigurable subsampling receiver has been accepted for presentation and publication at the PIMRC Conference in Toronto. Congratulations. He just returned from a visit to his home country and we’re happy to have him back again.

Of course there is more that can be reported, such as the coming ELCA day trip, the preparations for organizing BioCAS 2013 in Delft, the IMDI NeuroControl, more power-efficient neurostimulation circuits, higher-efficiency RF energy harvesting circuits, June’s paper that got accepted in Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers (congrats, too), Sandro’s and Senad’s paper that enjoyed the same fate (congrats, too), STW Perspectief and how the Dutch Ministries of Economical Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation and of Health, Wellbeing and Sport have no clue on how to increase valorization in the Netherlands (as witnessed yesterday at the MedTech West Event), but this would make good stuff for another blog. So stay tuned!


Dutch documentary on the Mystery of the Brain (6 episodes)

BreingeheimLast Tuesday I saw an excerpt of an interesting episode on Dutch television about what happens with the human brain when it ages and in particular what happens with it in the unfortunate situation of Alzheimer’s disease. This episode, presented by the well-known and charming Dutch news presenter Charles Groenhuijsen, in fact is part of a larger series that tries to shed some light on what happens in this 1.5kg human organ that is at the base of all our thoughts, actions, emotions, etc., of which its intricacies and inner workings are still a mystery to us. 

The complete series (in Dutch) can be viewed from Uitzending Gemist and also from the following link of Omroep Max:

Highly recommended!


“And the paralyzed will walk again”

With this promising statement of Michio Kaku ends a video cut that I made from a TV documentary entitled "2057 The Body" and which I use inside a presentation on wearable and implantable medical devices. The documentary predicts that in the year 2057 we will be able to inject tiny wireless sensors and actuators inside the body thereby restoring the connectivity of the peripheral nervous system and be able to use our senses and control our muscles again.

Last week, still 46 years away from the year 2057, it was reported in the Lancet that [from the UCLA Newsroom] "a team of scientists at the University of Louisville, UCLA and the
California Institute of Technology has achieved a significant breakthrough in
its initial work with a paralyzed male volunteer at Louisville’s Frazier Rehab
Institute — the result of 30 years of research to find potential clinical
therapies for paralysis.

The man, Rob Summers, 25, was completely paralyzed below the chest after
being struck by a vehicle in a hit-and-run accident in July 2006. Today, he is
able to reach a standing position, supplying the muscular push himself. He can
remain standing, and bearing weight, for up to four minutes at a time (up to an
hour with periodic assistance when he weakens). Aided by a harness support and
some therapist assistance, he can make repeated stepping motions on a treadmill.
He can also voluntarily move his toes, ankles, knees and hips on command.
These unprecedented results were achieved through continual direct
"epidural electrical stimulation" of the subject’s lower spinal cord, mimicking
signals the brain normally transmits to initiate movement. Once that signal is
given, the research shows, the spinal cord’s own neural network, combined with
the sensory input derived from the legs to the spinal cord, is able to direct
the muscle and joint movements required to stand and step with assistance on a
The other crucial component of the research was an extensive regime of
locomotor training while the spinal cord was being stimulated and the man
suspended over the treadmill. Assisted by rehabilitation specialists, the man’s
spinal cord neural networks were retrained to produce the muscle movements
necessary to stand and to take assisted steps.


Relief from secondary complications of complete spinal cord injury —
including impairment or loss of bladder control, sphincter control and sexual
response — could prove to be even more significant.
"The spinal cord is smart," said Edgerton, distinguished professor of
integrative biology and physiology and of neurobiology at UCLA. "The neural
networks in the lumbosacral spinal cord are capable of initiating full
weight-bearing and relatively coordinated stepping without any input from the
brain. This is possible, in part, due to information that is sent back from the
legs directly to the spinal cord."
This sensory feedback from the feet and legs to the spinal cord facilitates
the individual’s potential to balance and step over a range of speeds,
directions and levels of weight-bearing. The spinal cord can independently
interpret these data and send movement instructions back to the legs — all
without cortical involvement.


More than 5 million Americans live with some form of paralysis, defined as
a central nervous system disorder resulting in difficulty or inability to move
the upper or lower extremities. Roughly 1.3 million are spinal cord injured, and
of those, many are completely paralyzed in the lower extremities.
Epidural stimulation, in the context of paralysis of the lower extremities,
is the application of continuous electrical current, at varying frequencies and
intensities, to specific locations on the lumbosacral spinal cord corresponding
to the dense neural bundles that largely control movement of the hips, knees,
ankles and toes. The electrodes required for this stimulation were implanted at
University of Louisville Hospital by Dr. Jonathan Hodes, chairman of the
department of neurosurgery at the University of Louisville.

For a more in-depth discussion of the research behind the breakthrough,
watch this interview with

STW project ReaSONS approved!

Today I received some good news by means of a phone call of Wouter Segeth, program officer with STW, the Dutch Technology Foundation. Our ReaSONS project (Realtime Sensing of Neural Signals), a collaboration between Delft University of Technology and Leiden University Medical Center has been approved.

The project aims at the realtime recording of the evoked compound action potential (ECAP) generated by the haircells in the cochlea while fitting a cochlear implant. Also it is considered to be one step towards the creation of realtime online closed-loop neurostimulators.

This is of course good news for Cees-Jeroen, upcoming PhD student in the BME group, who supposedly will start his duties in September this year. 
