Category Archives: Electronics

A new name, but Biomedical Electronic remains

Biomedical Electronics Lab

Dear Reader,

The Biomedical Electronics Group underwent a small name change. From now onwards, the group is called “The Biomedical Electronics Laboratory”.

Its mission is “to provide the technology for the successful monitoring, diagnosis and treatment of cortical, neural, cardiac and muscular disorders by means of electroceuticals.”

To this end it conducts research on, provides education in and helps creating new businesses in neuroprosthetics, biosignal conditioning / detection, transcutaneous wireless communication, power management, energy harvesting and bioinspired circuits and systems.


At the annual general assembly of the Delft Research Center on ICT (DIRECT), we proudly presented one of TU Delft’s faculty flagship projects “Beethoven”. Beethoven is a technology-driven research project on electroceuticals that aims at the design of a flexible brain … Continue reading

Neurostimulation causes nerves cells to grow back and allows paralyzed to walk again

Article from De Volkskrant, dd. Oct. 27, 2012, entitled "Paralyzed walks again"

Article from De Volkskrant, dd. Oct. 27, 2012, entitled “Paralyzed walks again”

Eddy was damn right when after the disk in his spinal cord was removed by the neurosurgeon and he lost almost all the feeling in one of his legs due to the acute hernia. By means of transcutaneous stimulation of his foot and leg he was able to regain feeling and control over his muscles  and walk again. The method was not proven scientifically yet, but obviously worked, as we witnessed from closeby. Now the scientific proof is there.

Exciting times ahead, if you ask me.


Article in “De Telegraaf”, September 29, 2012 (in Dutch)

Artikel Telegraaf


First implantation of a vestibular implant

Today it was reported in ‘De Volkskrant’ that doctors of Maastricht University Medical Center have succeeded in, for the first time ever, implanting an artificial balance organ, a vestibular implant, in two patients. A vestibular implant is more or less a cochlear implant that relays information on orientation and accelleration onto the hair cells in the vestibula, the small organ attached to the cochlea that assists in preserving balance. According to Prof. Robert Stokroos of UMCM, the first measurements after the surgery showed positive results. Very important, as far as I understand, will be whether the vestibular implant will allow for perfect integration of the balance information delivered by the implant and the balance perceived by the eyes.

Despite all this, I believe we have exciting times ahead for the application of novel neurostimulating devices.


Mission Possible

In order to present the Biomedical Electronics Group of Delft University of Technology to a couple of companies, it made sense to reveal our mission statement. So here it goes…

The mission of the Biomedical Electronics Group of Delft University of Technology is "to provide the technology for the successful monitoring, diagnosis and treatment of cortical, neural, cardiac and muscular disorders by means of electricity." In order to reach this goal we investigate and design circuits and systems for electrical stimulation, ExG readout, signal specific analog signal processing, power management/conversion, energy harvesting and wireless communication, to be applied in future wearable and implantable medical devices, such as hearing instruments, cardiac pacemakers, cochlear implants and neurostimulators.

So how about that? Reactions are welcome via this blog.


Fanmail from China

Today, we received the following feedback on the course Analog Integrated Circuit Design (ET4252), which is available under the Open CourseWare program:



student ding


<email address removed>

Where are you from?


You had a(n):


What was your feedback about?

Analog Integrated Circuit Design

Your Feedback was:

The video is so cool that I love it very much. IT seems doesn’t contain all
lectures, I am really want to see all the lectures in video.
I am a senior in university from China.
Thank you very much.

Thank you very much, Ding! You definitely make my day.


TU Delft to combat Parkinson’s disease and epilepsy with neurostimulator

23 September 2011 by Webredactie

In the future people with brain disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy and tinnitus (ringing in the ears) may be fitted with a smart, miniaturised neurostimulator. This stimulator, a prototype of which was recently developed and tested by TU Delft, may considerably reduce the symptoms for some patients. An article on this can be read in the latest edition of Delft Outlook, the TU Delft science magazine, published online today.

Mobile phone

‘A great deal of how we function is determined by electrical currents in our body’, says electrical engineer Marijn van Dongen of TU Delft. ‘We can use this to tackle a whole host of disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease, tinnitus and epilepsy, at a local level. Yet at the same time, this technology is still somewhat “medieval”. At present the neurostimulator is a device the size of a mobile phone which is implanted in the chest. It sends electric pulses via a cable to electrodes in the areas of the brain which show abnormal activity. The electric cables which run through the neck to the brain can break and cause infections. They also lead to the formation of scar tissue in the neck.


The current design of the neurostimulator is not conducive to further miniaturisation. In order to obviate the need for cables, a complete rethink of the design is needed. Van Dongen is working on this with a large number of colleagues from various knowledge institutes and hospitals, as part of the Smart Implantable Neurostimulators (SINs) programme that started in 2008. In that year, brain surgeons Dirk de Ridder and Eddy van der Velden of Antwerp University Hospital (UZA) contacted electrical engineer Wouter Serdijn of TU Delft. Serdijn is the SINs programme leader. They aim to have developed a cranial-implantable neurostimulator within the next ten years: a two-millimetre thick device measuring two square centimetres including the battery and antenna.

More natural
Challenges facing the researchers in reaching this goal include integrating all the separate components in a single chip, and doing away with the space-consuming capacitors. ‘The stimulators also need to be able to automatically detect when they need to generate pulses, by analysing signals in the brain, just as a pacemaker does in the heart’, says Serdijn. ‘Furthermore, the pattern of the pulses needs to be adjustable and have a more natural form.


The TU Delft researchers have already developed and recently tested a prototype. ‘This was a preliminary test to see if our neurostimulator was in fact capable of generating a suitable neural response’, says Van Dongen. It turned out that it was, and the prototype will be further miniaturised in the coming years.For this study Dirk de Ridder and Eddy van der Velden tested the device on themselves: they had temporary electrodes implanted in their body and were able to control the stimulator via an iPhone app.

More information

The latest edition of Delft Outlook, TU Delft’s science magazine, to be published online on 23 September and in print on 26 September, will feature an extensive article on the research conducted by Marijn van Dongen and Wouter Serdijn.

Contact information

Marijn van Dongen (researcher), tel +31 (0)15-2783679
Dr Wouter Serdijn (SINs programme leader), tel +31 (0)15-2781715
Nienke van Bemmel (science information officer), +31 (0)15-2784259


Transcutaneous Vestibular Stimulator

Vestibular stimulators stimulate the vestibular organ (located in the ‘labyrinth of the inner ear’) and can therefore have a direct effect on the balance of a person. Triggered by some movies that show the impressive and funny effects that Vestibular Stimulators can offer, our group decided to build a very simple stimulator to experience the effects ourselves. We also have been informed that there might be interest for this type of stimulators for medical experiments, so there’s more behind it than just fun.

Transcutaneous Vestibular Stimulation uses electrodes that are put behind the ear of the subject (being ourselves in our experiments) and a current is injected. We decided to make the stimulator remote controlled to give the subject more freedom.

We could keep writing a lot more about this stimulator, but movies might be much more self explaining and fun to watch. Therefore, simply click the following link to see the effects of Vestibular Stimulators:

Movie 1

Movie 2


The Voices of DAC—A chip in your brain?

Jan Rabaey, UC Berkeley, about brain-machine interfaces. Click here to watch the video.

This talk covers a little bit of transcutaneous signal and energy transfer, recording of brain signals, polymer electrode arrays, brain waves, EEG, ECoG, epilepsy, neurostimulation, DBS, 65nm, microwatt, pulsed waveform, temperature rise, digital amplifier, subthreshold logic, interference, frequency agile radios, security, neural dust…
