Category Archives: General

Programmable Implants

This article originally appeared in Delta, April 13, 2011. By Thomas van Dijk

For his PhD research, Dr Christos Strydis rethought the architecture for processors in biomedical implants.

In future implants might be recharged by the brain. (Photo: Ana Laura Santos)

Saying that they are committed to their research into neurostimulation is an understatement. In their quest to develop a treatment for patients with tinnitus, a syndrome where people hear phantom noises, Professor Dirk De Ridder, a neurosurgeon and neuroscientist at  University Hospital Antwerp, and assistant professor Eddy van der Velden, a medical researcher at Antwerp’s Monica hospital, are about to be operated on themselves. During an experiment to be held at the end of this month, the professors will have wires sticking out of the back of their heads, through which electrical pulses will travel to their brains. 

“They are really crazy,” says computer engineer, Dr Christos Strydis, laughing. In his office, Dr Strydis shows an application on his smart phone. With this app he will command the device – which is the size of a packet of cigarettes – that is attached to the guinea pig professors and generates the pulses. Depending on the frequency of the pulses, the test subjects might feel energetic, euphoric or sleepy, to name but a few of the possible states. 

Strydis is part of a large team of researchers from the faculties of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, and Applied Sciences, who over the years have been working with the Belgian medics on biomedical implants. The team’s goal is to develop tiny, low-energy consuming implants that can be controlled by software, rather than being based solely on hardwired circuits. 

Strydis has been focusing on the type of processor needed for such devices. Last month he defended his PhD thesis, titled ‘Universal processor architecture for biomedical implants.’

Strydis believes that it’s time for a paradigm shift in the field of biomedical implants: “One big problem is that the electrical signals created by implants no longer aid patients with neurological diseases after a certain period of time, because the body simply gets used to the signals and ignores them. So the device should be smarter and more flexible. You should be able to programme it. What’s more, every patient is different, so standard implants with standard signals do not work optimally for everyone.”

It will take at least another five years before the device built by the Delft researchers will be miniaturised enough to be placed directly under the skull of patients, Strydis surmises. Neuroscientist Prof. van der Velden hopes that the battery inside the implant, which ultimately must work at a voltage of no more than half a millivolt, will be recharged by the brain. 

About impact factor, freedom trails and electrology

Dear reader,

Though I have tried to be virtually present as much as possible, I am currently neither in Delft nor in my hometown Leiden. This also explains the late hour of this post. Where I am, it is currently a little over 6 pm. I am in Medford, a small forensic town near Boston, MA, USA. The main reason for being here is twofold. First, as Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I, I participated in the annual IEEE Panel of Editors (PoE) meeting. Second, I am here to give an invited talk at Tufts University in a seminar hosted by Prof. Sameer Sonkusale.

During the PoE meeting, we discussed a lot about good and not-so-good EiC practices, about upcoming changes to IEEE Xplore, about plagiarism (which, unfortunately, becomes more of a problem), about journal performance metrics, etc. The latter is also very important to you. That is, if you (plan to) make scientific, design and engineering contributions and you (plan to) present them in a journal or at a conference. And if they contribute to your reputation as a researcher, scientist, designer or scholar. For this, our busy chairs, heads and leaders, more and more resort to the only thing they understand about your work, being "the number"; more specifically, the Impact Factor (IF). I will not bother you with the exact definition of IF; many people do not even know and don’t care, your boss probably included, but it is generally considered to be a measure to express your importance, or the importance of your publications, or the importance of the journal that you publish your work in. Whereas it purely counts incoming citations without considering the significance of those citations.

ethicsSince the algorithm for computing the impact factor is simple, it is also simple to manipulate. And this is exactly what is being done constantly, by authors, who for this reason include a lot of self-citations in their manuscripts, and by journals that impose a lot of self-citations (to the journal) on their authors. Since this is seriously blurring the reputation of people and journals, but also the minds of our evaluators, more objective figures-of-merit have been discussed, the most elegant one probably being the Article Influence. If you are interested you may wish to (and if you are a boss of a scholar or a scholar yourself, you probably should) check out

After the PoE meeting, I took off for a walk in and around the city center of Boston, called The Freedom Trail. See The Freedom Trail was recommended to me by Menno (as of now honorary member of the BME group) and, according to the web site, is "a 2.5 mile red-brick walking trail that leads you to 16 nationally significant historic sites, every one an authentic American treasure." And indeed it did. And I believe it also guides you through some of the most beautiful places in Boston. If you ever happen to be around, check it (and the Guinness from one of the Irish pubs) out!

Today I changed hotels and I am currently in Medford, where I will be staying for the coming two days, as tomorrow and the day thereafter I will meet various students, professors, heads and deans of Tufts University and give two presentations on Electronics for Wearable and Implantable Medical Devices, discuss possible opportunities for collaboration and discuss some latest research results that both Sameer Sonkusale’s group and the one of yours truly are working on.

So what about electrology, then? Well, today I went for a walk in the town of Medford and I came across a sign that advertises the services offered on 82 Forest St. Among them those of an Electrologist. So what does he or she do? Well, the sign reads on with the name of the therapist (which I will not disclose here) and the name of his shop: "Hair it go’s!" The service? Permanent Hair Removal. So if you ever wonder whether I may be getting bold, don’t you dare. Signing off with a famous phrase of Senad: "The things we do for science…."


Thoughts over an exam…

Besides many research related posts on this weblog, there is another important aspect in universities: education. Currently the spring examinations take place. It is time to see if our efforts in introducing the students into the exciting world of transistors were good enough. Today I was supervising a retake of a first year BSc-course. In order not to get too bored, I printed out a bunch of papers to read through…

Despite the reading material, I was preparing for a long morning. But nothing could be further from the truth! While the students were sweating and battling their way through the exam, I picked up a paper about the history of electrical stimulation [1]. It was discussing about the very first steps of electricity for medical applications. As it turns out, soon after the development of the first electrical devices in the second half of the 18th century (such as static electricity machines, the Leyden jar or later the volta-cell), these devices were put in use for medical research very soon. Just like myself today, people were fascinated by how our body responds to electricity.

It is incredible to read what achievements were made with the extremely limited equipment that was available. Even more incredible were the experiments that were carried out: the effect of electricity on the human body was demonstrated using the decaptivated heads of executed criminals! Furthermore the functionality of pacemakers was demontrated by over-anesthesthetized animals until cardiac arrest occured, to subsequently reanimate them using electrical stimulation. Remarkably the method was also applied to a human subject, but without success…

Besides experiments, the inguinity of researchers to build machines is very remarkable. Without the availability of vacuum tubes (let alone transistors), it is hard to make pulses with accurate duration in the order to hundred milliseconds (which are required for stimulation). Various mechanical systems are described, of which the most remarkable one is a system in which a gun is fired to cut two wires placed at a certain distance from each other. Only during the time the bullet is travelling from the first wire to the second, the system is injecting electrical energy into the tissue. Imagine how being a researcher was like in those days: shooting rifles the whole day! Quite a difference from running circuit simulations like we do today!

For more interesting stories I can highly recommend to read this paper. Or save it for when you have to supervise an exam. For now: time to check the exam!


[1] Geddes, L.A., "The first stimulators-reviewing the history of electrical stimulation and the devices crucial to its development", Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, IEEE , vol.13, no.4, pp.532-542, Aug/Sep 1994

Slides Hermes Partnership Workshop “Visions Towards ICT Supported Health” have been posted

HermesStill in shock by the post below? Don’t be. As always there’s hope on the horizon. The slides of the Hermes Partnership Workshop "Visions Towards ICT Supported Health" of last week have been posted online. If you want to find out more about one or more of the topics below, don’t hesitate to click here or on the links below.

“E-health in practice, business opportunities”, prof. dr. Felix Hampe, University of Koblenz, Germany

“Present experiences and future perspectives of Telerehabilitation”, prof. dr. ir. Hermie Hermens, University of Twente, The Netherlands

"Moving diagnostic, monitoring and therapeutic wireless medical devices into the homes and into the body",  dr. ir. Wouter Serdijn, Delft University of Technology

"Nanoscale smart communication components and systems”, a research proposal of Hermes partners, dr. Jean Benoit Pierrot, CEA LETI France  

"Status e-health and  telehealth in Poland, prof. dr. Łukasz Januszkiewicz, University of Lodz, Poland

"e-health systems developments and business opportunities at SME-companies”, Piet Verhoeve, Televic, Belgium

"Energy harvesting in e-health applications”, dr. Paul Mitcheson, Imperial College, UK



The world ramping up for a major demographically induced health disaster

Yesterday evening I returned from the workshop "Visions towards ICT Supported Health", organized by the Hermes Partnership, with very mixed feelings. Don’t get me wrong here; the workshop was reasonably well attended and well organized with lots of interesting talks, but I cannot help myself thinking back over and over again to the pictures sketched by a.o. Felix Harpe and Piet Verhoeve of the healthcare and wellbeing crisis the world is facing today. And almost all governmental bodies and insurance companies are just sleeping on it!

2012 doomsdayTo make it a little more concrete for you; the population is graying all over the globe, not only in western Europe (as I initially thought), with some countries lagging only a little bit behind, such as those in Latin America, Africa and China; the latter catching up quite rapidly, by the way. Soon there will be more people that are either not yet working (as they are still in their nappies, at school, etc.), have retired already or are chronically ill than there will be people that participate in the work force.

As a consequence, healthcare costs, already the highest expenditure of governments, are likely to increase dramatically as the population ages. This will either lead to higher taxes, if the government is willing to sustain its role in providing healthcare, or to a reduced government role in providing health care. In both scenarios we will live longer, but poorer, either moneywise or healthwise.

Another effect of the graying population is on education, currently the second largest expenditure of most governments. These expenses will tend to fall with an ageing population, especially as fewer young people would probably continue into tertiary education as they would be in demand as part of the work force.

In the Netherlands, we used to have and still have one of the world’s best pension systems. However, our pension system is also experiencing sustainability problems due to the increased longevity. Even by going to a retirement age of 67, the extension of the pension period due to our longevity will not be in the right balance with this extension of the active labour period.

On top of that healthcare costs will rise, not only as more people will require healtcare, but also as more specialistic care will be needed to deal with the whole spectrum of diseases. On top of that, relatively new diseases, e.g., caused by obesity, such as Diabetes Type II and Hypertension, are on the lookout for more victims. According to the National Institutes of Health, more than 65 (!) percent of American adults are overweight or obese.

About 10 years ago, Taeke van Beekum, lecturer of the course Healthcare Systems (ET4-128) and working at TNO Prevention and Care, showed the group of interested students the changing demography of the Netherlands and already predicted many of the above. At that time, it was already quite late to take anticipative action by making regulatory changes and starting the development of new products for healthcare and wellbeing. Now, after 3 more governments, this action is still not taken and I am afraid we are simply too late. And the worst is still to come, in about 15 years. The Mayas indeed made a calculation error. Doomsday will not be in 2012, but in 2026.


Back to business

It is a week since the successful ELCA festival (don’t tell me you haven’t seen the pictures yet; they are below) and everything has gone back to normal again. Mark is trying to convert the videos taken to manageable sizes (watch out as some may be posted on YouTube in due course), photos have been distributed and it is more or less business as usual.

2057 the bodyDon’t get me wrong here; this is still more exciting than an ordinary day at the shop. Marijn and Christos are making the final preparations on the uStim, our flexible neurostimulator, which soon will be tried out in vivo; Wannaya and June are working very hard on the circuit design and layout generation of the analog bionic ear; Marcel is working towards the completion of his PhD thesis and having the forms filled in to also publish it as a book — the first on Structured Design of EMI resilient analog circuits; Senad is wrapping up the simulations on a L2-optimized wavelet filter, to appear in a paper currently under review for prospective publication in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems; Duan is designing a proof-of-principle experiment of the world’s first subsampling jitter-compensated software defined radio; Andre is trying to improve the efficiency of an RF energy harvester for a batteryless ultra lowpower radio; Yongjia is working hard on the circuit definition of an asynchronous level-crossing ADC for analog-to-digital conversion of non-stationary signals, such as ECG, EEG, ECoG, etc; Mark is thinking about how to combine an energy harvester with an ultra lowpower ultrawideband tag, but also a little about his exciting holiday ahead; the many MSc students are working hard on their MSc project and I am working hard on my invited presentation at the International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology. If you want to have a glimpse of what I will be discussing there, check out the following movie/documentary of "2057 The Body"

Reading back the above, I feel a little like Sheldon, viz. Sheldon Lee Cooper, B.S., M.S., M.A., Ph.D., Sc.D., a fictional character on the CBS television series The Big Bang Theory. I received the first three series for my birthday. So Marijn, if you wish to organize a geeky lunch break, count me, and the DVDs, in!


ELCA Festival – Even more pictures…

As must have become clear from the previous posts on the blog, the ELCA festival has been a big success. It is only two days ago, but I am already dreaming about next year’s edition!  To once more underline the success of the festival, it won’t do any harm to post a couple of more pictures…  

"Neil" Yongjia





Mr. Micro 





ELCA Festival – Part II

Yes, a great night to remember! Not just because of those unforgettable songs and dancing, but we also raised money for Japan!

Some pictures of the ELCA Festival: 


Prepared in the afternoon

Box for raising money

Wouter’s smile after everything got ready


First band


Michael Bleeker’s dancing!!!

Crazy audience

Irish song — ELCA band


Cees’s band


"End of the world" — ELCA band


ELCA band Biohazard collects money for Japan at the ELCA festival

Last Friday, March 18, the Pub of the EE building of Delft University of Technology turned into a majestic rock temple. A broad spectrum of performances was offered to the audience, ranging from a clarinet concerto, via opera, flamengo, Mr. Micro, famous covers (from both the ELCA band and the ETV band) to societally engaged rock songs of Three and Ignoramus. Hopefully, Marijn, Senad and Yongjia will post some great pictures soon.

Paddy at ELCA festivalSo why the title of this blog then? Well, I was reading the thread at about the latest situation in Japan, where the offical number of dead and lost people has now crossed 20,000 and I was thinking about an emotional Paddy at the ELCA festival, who has lived in the devastated area for quite some time and was not able to get in contact with a few of his Japanese friends over there since exactly one week. He fears for their lives and spoke the following memorable words: "You may think Japan is far away. Yes, that is indeed the case. You may think Japan is rich and should be able to take care of itself. Maybe they indeed can. However, if we were in their shoes, which is not a too unrealistic scenario since the Netherlands is threatened by water both from the see and the rivers, we would wish the Japanese would also think about us and help us." I fully concur with this.

We have not yet counted the money collected, after which we will transfer it onto the Japanese Red Cross, but if you’re reading this blog — and I know you do — and would like to make a donation as well, please do so. The bank account of the Dutch Red Cross that has been opened for Japan is 6868.

Thank you very much.


Biomedical Group Meeting today

lunchWhile enjoying lunch, the Biomedical Electronics Group gathered in the Davidse room (named after the former head of the Electronics Research Lab and also my "promotor", Jan Davidse) to listen to three presentations. The first one was by Duan Zhao, on an interesting new way of bridging the gap to low-power software radios by means of subsampling. After an introduction on the operation of a subsampling receiver, he explained to us a technique to remove the jitter originating from the sampling clock by using a harmonically related reference. Currently Duan is working hard on a manuscript to be submitted to GlobeCom.

The second presentation was by Neil Yongjia (as we call Yongjia because he will perform a song by Neil Young at the ELCA festival) on the correspondence and differences of successive approximation (SA) analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and level-crossing ADCs. There is an interesting paradigm shift involved in the latter and many issues, such as DC sampling, bandwidth and slope limitations need to be investigated still. Nevertheless, it looks like the level-crossing ADC is a natural candidate for the conversion of physiological signals such as those that are generated by the body.

The third presentation was by Yours Truly, and was about how to turn your profession into the best job in the world. We touched upon cultural aspects, organizational aspects, academic aspects and personal aspects and things like procrastination, drive, bosses and the fun-factor. Probably in June, I will give a similar presentation to my colleagues of our faculty. 

Tomorrow will be the ELCA festical. Don’t miss it, as the world will never be the same…
