Category Archives: General

Are we all cyborgs now?

Check it out for yourself at, in this inspiring talk by Amber Case. Keep an eye on your self, though.

TED logo

Another one, highly recommended, is by Oliver Sacks, the famous neurologist and author (e.g., of the book Musicophilia). In this presentation, he points out an interesting link between visual hallucinations and tinnitus. Click here.

Can the upcoming solar storm turn your pacemaker into a killer inside you?

It has been predicted that today (Febr. 17, 2011) one of the largest solar storms in years will reach the earth and may interfere with sensitive electronic equipment, such as GPS receivers in cars and PDAs. Also air traffic and power grids may suffer from this kind of interference.

 Solar Storm 

Solar storms, also called geomagnetic storms, are caused by solar coronal mass ejections and modify the electromagnetic fields in the ionosphere, magnetosphere and heliosphere. They usually last only one or two days and can cause auroras further away from the poles than usually. According to Wikipedia, "On March 13, 1989 a severe geomagnetic storm caused the collapse of the Hydro-Québec power grid in a matter of seconds as equipment protection relays tripped in a cascading sequence of events. Six million people were left without power for nine hours, with significant economic loss."

So how dangerous are these solar storms for life-supporting devices like pacemakers and neurostimulators? In order to answer this question, we need to understand the physical and electrical effects of solar storms. Solar storms induce fluctuations in the Earth’s magnetic field. These fluctuations, in turn, can induce currents in large electrically conducting structures, such as power grids and metal pipelines, leading to damaged transformers and corrosion. Solar storms also influence the electrical currents in the magnetosphere and the ionosphere and thereby affect wireless communication that propagates through them.

So my conclusion: as long as you do not use your shortwave radio or CB set to control your implantable device remotely and you do not power it from the mains, you’re safe. Ain’t that a relief?


Ice skating and guitar solos

I’m writing this little contribution on Saturday night. Most people must be either watching the World Championships Ice Skating or enjoying themselves in the nightlife. Maybe you are lucky and you are in the Oosterpoort (Groningen) tonight listening to a concert by ‘Gare du Nord‘. Or you prefer to immerse yourself in the sounds of fabulous guitar solos and keep dancing like there’s no tomorrow. 

But there will be a tomorrow. And the more successful last night was, the harder the Sunday morning is. With a liver getting in overdrive and a brain complaining about a lack of water, you wonder why you cannot sleep any further. Soon you realize it must be that annoying beep in your head. Maybe standing next to the big loudspeakers was not a good idea after all. Well, let’s first take a shower, the beep will be gone during the course of this lazy Sunday.

 woman suffering from tinnitus 

Or not… Imagine this beep will stay with you. Always. More than a million people in Holland suffer from a disease called Tinittus. In about 10% of the cases the beep (or noise) is so loud that it limits them in their daily life. No effective treatment exists until today. But we are working on it. Brain stimulation can be an effective treatment method. And in our group we are developing the ‘uStim’-stimulator: it can stimulate the brain in a unique manner so that we can stop the beep. We use technology to manipulate faulty activity in the brain.

Sounds interesting? Keep reading this blog for updates about this little device. Oh, and keep enjoying yourselves on (Saturday) nights. But just as with all things in life: keep it safe. Unless you are watching the World Championships Ice Skating. I cannot think of any way how you can harm yourself while doing that…

Marijn van Dongen 

Electric stimulation turns geek into sex god

"Electrical stimulation of certain hypothalamic regions in cats and rodents can elicit attack behaviour," is what we can read in Nature today. But also "Neurons activated during attack are inhibited during mating, suggesting a potential neural substrate for competition between these opponent social behaviours." If the same holds for human beings, which is highly probable, then we are not far away from the situation in which we can replace Cialis by a healthy dosis of instant neurostimulation or switch the neurostimulator to Arousal Mode No. 2 to beat the guy that left the bar with another one’s girlfriend. As long as they do not take my Erdinger, I’m fine.

Jokes aside, it is known that both regions in the brain are closely located to one another, together with the part that controls voluntary urination. So my advice: don’t try this at home.

How I lost my blogging virginity?

It has been more than eight months since I have graduated from TU Delft. Since then I have been working on pursuing my intentions to do a PhD. As many others, I have a great idea for my PhD project with huge scientific and societal relevance, but no funding (yet). For more information about my intended project, please visit my website

Currently, I am waiting for the first results of personal grant proposal submitted to the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Mosaic programme. Mosaic aims to attract more excellent ethnic minority graduates into academic research. And of course, I am one of them 🙂 
Obviously, I will share the results from NWO with you, as soon as I get them. 
More information about NWO Mosaic can be found here.

As a first time blogger I realize that this post has a twofold meaning. Firstly, it is a great opportunity to say a few words about me and, secondly, like I just realized, by placing this post I will lose my blogging virginity. The things we do for science… 


Li-Ion batteries on silicon come to the rescue

Yesterday, Erik Kelder (NSM group, TU Delft) explained us how thin-film microbatteries can be made in silicon. These batteries seem to be naturally suited for the next generation of implantable neurostimulators. Read more about the newly initiated FP7 project at:

How to detect the right information from the brain to see a seizure coming?

It looks like the best way to detect the onset of an epileptic insult is by doing a wavelet transform on the acquired ECoG. However, which morphological features to look at is far from trivial. For the first generation of closed-loop neurostimulators it is therefore probably best to acquire the complete ECoG signal at full resolution and do the morphological analysis in the digital domain entirely. In a later phase, the (analog) frontend (sense amplifier) can be made more specific, thereby releasing the burden from the analog-to-digital converter and the signal processing in the digital domain.

SINS meeting today!

Today, we will have a meeting of the SINS program and its international consortium. In this meeting we discuss new directions in neurostimulation and -modulation, bladder stimulation for urge incontinence, new technologies for Li-Ion battery foils, implantable electrodes in silicon, neuroscience on mice, closed-loop neurostimulator operation and tinnitus. I look forward to an exciting day…


The Biomedical Electronics Group

The Biomedical Electronics Group

The Biomedical Electronics group anno 2010. From left to right:

Rachit Mohan, Gaurav Mishra, Wu Chi Wing, Yongjia Li, Wouter Serdijn, Duan Zhao, Robin van Eijk, Chutham Sawigun, Mark Stoopman, Hossein Tajeddin, Vincent Bleeker, Wannaya Ngamkham, Menno Vastenholt, Senad Hiseni, Cees-Jeroen Bes.

Not on the photo: Andre Mansano, Sumit Bagga, Marijn van Dongen, Hamed Aminzadeh, Marcel van der Horst, Yixiong Hu

Picture taken by Unknown, 2010

Moving diagnostic, monitoring and therapeutic wireless medical devices into the homes and into the body

== Invited presentation by Wouter Serdijn at ISMICT 2011 on “Moving diagnostic, monitoring and therapeutic wireless medical devices into the homes and into the body”, Montreux, Switzerland, March 30.